Happy New Year everyone!!!! I truly hope that your 2016 has started off amazingly and that you reach each goal you've set for yourself this year!!! As you probably guessed, one of my goals is to become and REMAIN present on my blog. I've been spending my first few weeks of the new year doing some soul searching and taking some tough love from my honey. In these past weeks I've realized one important thing.....I've been lazy. That was a tough pill to swallow, but it was one that needed to be taken. I read one of those infamous post on Instagram that are often times cliche, but every now and again actually resonate with me and I wanted to share it with you. The post said that we spend all day working hard at our 9 to 5's, well in my case 7-4, for someone else.We then come home and neglect to work on our own dreams. Wow! It was as if that message said " Holly, we are talking about you!". I ask you, are you also guilty of this? Do you work hard all day for someone else and come home and neglect to work hard for yourself? If so, I challenge you. I challenge you to put in as much, if not more, work for yourself as you do for you bosses, supervisors, students, clients, and patients. Take time to chase your dreams and goals this year. Be a little selfish this year. We all deserve to have and chase our own dream. Despite our age or how "busy" we swear we are.....if you don't do it for you, who will???

As is says in the title, this weeks post is the start of my "Winter Weather Essentials" series or for the sake of time, "WWE". This Winter season has come full force here in NC and I was more than thrilled that I was proactive in the Fall and started purchasing some essential pieces. Yes, being fashionable can sometimes come with a price, but I refuse to let that price be my warmth!
It is often assumed that it is difficult to remain stylish and warm simultaneously, but as always, I am here to debunk that myth. Stylish and warm can be achieved at the same time and that is the premise of my "WWE" series. The way to achieve both warmth and style is to choose a fashionable layering piece. In this outfit, I opted for a long-line trench/pea-coat. The coat is one of the warmest coats I own, but yet remains stylish. It can be thrown over the shoulder or worn regularly and either way, you will be nice and toasty.
I paired this coat with a soft gray turtle neck, forest green riding pants, and some gray ankle booties. This look was not only warm, but extremely comfortable. The strechyness of the riding pant and the chunky heel booties worked in my favor for this look. Effortlessly chic is always my aim with outfits and being comfortable is an added bonus!
Outfit Details:
Riding Pants- Target
Gray Turtleneck- K-Mart
Gray Booties- Target
Pea-coat- H&M
Thank you for taking this time out of your day to let little ol' me give me insight and hopefully inspiration. Everyone has their own amazing style, so take ideas from me and make them into your own fashion statement. I will be back with you next week for the 2nd installment of "WWE", so until then....Work on Your Dreams!!!!
<3 xoxo,
holly jae